
General Secretary

Working President

Welcome To Union Bank Officer's Association Kerala

Union Bank Officers’ Association (Kerala) has always thrived, to be part of officer’s community in resolving their issues and concerns faced day to day in their career. Our majority officer’s organization has proved to be a vertebrate organization in upholding the hard earned rights of the Officer’s Community.view more

Disha Union Magazine

Union Bank Officers’ Association (Kerala) has always thrived, to be part of officer’s community in resolving their issues and concerns faced day to day in their career. Our majority officer’s organization has proved to be a vertebrate organization in upholding the hard earned rights of the Officer’s Community


Welcome To UBOA

sreenath induchoodan

General Secretary

With immense pleasure I am writing this preface for the most imperative edge of our proactive majority officer’s organization. We earnestly anticipate that ‘Union Disha’, the face magazine of UNION BANK OFFICER’S ASSOCIATION (KERALA) may reproduce the new developments and inclinations of banking industry for the information of our officer community...



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Click download to install our new Android App and stay connected with our community. Keep up to date with Union Disha,Union News, Circulars, Messages, Organisation....
